Terrains destined for wine and a millennia-old tradition of wine-making, those of the Moletto winery in Motta di Livenza and Belfiore di Pramaggiore. Land that first, thanks to the Paleovenetians (1200 BC), then the arrival of the Romans and, over the centuries the Republic of Venice, saw the growth and spread of the vineyards that represent the heritage and pride of these areas.
The estate in Motta di Livenza occupies an excellent position where the verdant Moletto Forest once stood on the banks of the Livenza River.
The soil is primarily clayey-calcareous with only a slight layer of humus as a “reminder” of the forest‘s presence. Some sections also have a sandy component due to the vicinity of the Livenza River.
These variations in the land can be clearly seen from the air, where noticeably lighter portions of the terrain overlap darker areas.
Studying and analyzing the nature of the soil has guided us in choosing the best areas in which to cultivate each type of grape.
Another positive feature is the presence of groundwater at a depth of two meters that allows the vines to receive water even in particularly dry seasons.
The land in Motta di Livenza is 9 meters above sea level and boasts a very advantageous geographical position with the sea (Adriatic Sea) to the southeast and mountains (Prealps and Dolomites) to the north.
It has its own microclimate that is characterized by wide temperature fluctuations, especially in the summer.
It is an area that benefits from the dry wind of the Bora from the east-northeast and cold Alpine climate.
The soil in the Belfiore holdings are clayey-calcareous and very tenacious with significant amounts of caranto.
Because of the soil, grape production is limited to those for wines that are particularly full-bodied and well-structured.
And, despite the fact that the soil is especially heavy, at an altitude of 7 meters above sea level, the competition between the roots of the vines and the colloids in the soil reaches maximum levels in especially dry periods.
The Adriatic Sea is close by with its mild and very breezy climate, combined with the dry winds of the Bora from the east-northeast.
The ripening and harvesting of the grapes is the reward for a hard year‘s work and marks the beginning of a new year of challenges and a renewed search for quality and perfection. The grapes are the ‘raw materials’ of our profession: it is not only sufficient to have the optimum soil or to use the finest cultivation techniques in the winery, there also needs to be a constant, passionate dedication and close physical contact with the vines in order to understand their secret needs or to recognize the reassuring signs of well-being…
Our vines are grown using Sylvoz and cordon with spurs training systems for limited production.
Together with substantial pruning, we monitor the natural proliferation of weeds and thin on the basis of the harvest year and grape variety.
As part of a specific agronomic-oenologic decision, starting in 1995 we began mapping the vineyards and each row has been assigned an ID number for enhanced quality control and traceability.
Vineyard density is 3000 vines per hectare - a precise choice based on soil composition to prevent root competition between vines and to permit proper fruit yield without forcing or extreme measures.
La proprietà in Motta di Livenza, occupa una posizione eccellente, là dove un tempo si estendeva rigoglioso il Bosco del Moletto, bagnato dalle acque del fiume Livenza.
I terreni sono prevalentemente argilloso calcarei, con una minima presenza di humus, ‘ricordo’ della presenza del bosco. Alcune aree rivelano una componente sabbiosa dovuta alla vicinanza al fiume Livenza.
Questa variabilità di terreni, si evidenzia bene ad una ispezione aerea dell’area: porzioni di terreno di evidente colorazione chiara si intersecano con le aree più scure.
Lo studio e la analisi della natura dei terreni ci ha guidati nella scelta delle aree ottimali di destinazione di coltivazione delle singole varietà di vitigni.
Positiva inoltre la presenza della falda freatica ad una profondità di due metri, che permette di far fronte al bisogno di acqua da parte dei vigneti, anche in stagioni particolarmente siccitose.
I terreni in Motta di Livenza sono ad una altitudine di 9 m slm, ed in una posizione geografica particolarmente vantaggiosa: vicinanza al mare a sud est (Mare Adriatico) e ai monti a nord (Prealpi e Dolomiti).
Microclima particolare, caratterizzato, specie in estate, da escursioni termiche elevate.
È zona che trae giovamento dal caratteristico asciutto vento di Bora proveniente da est-nord-est e dal clima freddo alpino.
I terreni di proprietà in Belfiore sono argilloso calcarei, particolarmente tenaci, con importanti presenze di caranto.
Sono terreni questi, che limitano le produzioni di uve, a favore di vini caratterizzati da particolare corposità e struttura.
E pur essendo, questi terreni particolarmente pesanti, ad una altitudine di 7 m slm, la competizione tra le radici della vite e i colloidi dei terreni raggiunge, in stagioni particolarmente siccitose, i massimi livelli.
Breve la distanza dal Mare Adriatico, con clima mite ed eccezionalmente ventilato in concomitanza con i venti asciutti di Bora provenienti da est-nord-est.
La maturazione e la raccolta dei grappoli premia le fatiche di un anno intero e segna l’inizio di una nuova annata di sfide volte alla qualità e alla ricerca della perfezione. Le uve sono la “materia prima” del nostro lavoro: non bastano solo ottimi terreni e accorte tecniche di coltivazione, ma una dedizione costante e appassionata, un vero e proprio contatto “fisico” con le vigne, per scrutarne i segreti bisogni o coglierne i confortanti segnali di salute…
I nostri vigneti sono allevati a sylvoz e a cordone speronato, per produzioni limitate.
A fianco di potature rigorose, monitoriamo l’inerbimento spontaneo e pratichiamo sfogliamenti mirati in base all’annata.
Per una mirata scelta agronomico-enologica, dal 1995 abbiamo mappato i vigneti assegnando un numero identificativo ad ogni singolo filare, ai fini del controllo della qualità e della tracciabilità.
La densità d’impianto si attesta su 3000 piante ettaro per una precisa scelta determinata dalla natura dei terreni; per evitare cioè la competizione radicale tra le piante ed portarle a dare il giusto frutto senza forzature ed estremizzazioni.
The Moletto holdings are located within the provinces of Treviso and Venice, respectively in the Treviso Prosecco DOC, Piave DOC, Lison-Pramaggiore DOC and Venezia DOC production areas, and those of Piave Malanotte DOCG and Lison DOCG.
The “Prosecco” controlled denomination of origin can only be used by wines that meet the requisites set as production standards which were issued by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests on July 17, 2009, for the following types of wine: “Prosecco”, “Prosecco” spumante, “Prosecco” frizzante.
“Prosecco” controlled denomination of origin wines must be made from grapes grown in vineyards of the Glera variety; in the winery, up to 15% of the following varieties may be used alone or with others: Verdiso, Bianchetta trevigiana, Perera, Glera Lunga, Chardonnay, Pinot Bianco, Pinot Grigio and Pinot Nero (vinified as white), suitable for cultivation in the grape's area of production.
Grapes to be used in the production of “Prosecco” controlled denomination of origin wines must be grown within the area that includes the provinces of: Belluno, Gorizia, Padua, Pordenone, Treviso, Trieste, Udine, Venice and Vicenza.
For a “Prosecco” controlled designation of origin wine, reference may be made on the label to the “province of Treviso”, or just simply “Treviso” if that batch of wine is comprised exclusively of grapes from vineyards located in the same province and the wine is processed and bottled in the same province.
Stretching along a vast plain, this is one of the largest DOC areas in the north of Italy. The Piave River runs through its entire length, between the provinces of Treviso and Venice. The wine-making tradition here goes back millennia and vine cultivation was first rationalized in the 1900s, also thanks to the contribution of experts from the Scuola Enologica (Wine Academy) in Conegliano, the first to be founded in Italy in 1876. This area, which encompasses a variety of types of soil and micro-climates, has a number of deep water springs that irrigate the soil and contribute to vineyard health. It is an area especially suited to vine cultivation.
The “Piave” controlled denomination of origin can only be used by wines that meet the requisites set as production standards which were issued by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests on December 22, 2010 and published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana on January 7, 2011, for the following types of wine: Rosso, Rosso Riserva, Cabernet, Cabernet Riserva, Carmenère, Merlot, Merlot Riserva, Raboso, Raboso Passito, Tai, Verduzzo, Verduzzo Passito, Chardonnay and Manzoni Bianco.
The “Piave” DOC with the specification of the following varieties: Cabernet (from Cabernet Franc and/or Cabernet Sauvignon and/or Carrnenère), Carmenère, Merlot, Manzoni Bianco, Raboso (from Raboso Piave and/or Raboso Veronese), Tai (from Friuli Tocai), Verduzzo (from Verduzzo Trevigiano and/or Verduzzo Friulano), Chardonnay, it is reserved for wines produced in a winery from grapes grown in vineyards at least 85% comprised of the corresponding varieties.
Grapes of other varieties may also be included in the production of these wines, as long as the grape is of similar color and suitable for cultivation in the respective provinces of Treviso and Venice.
Most of this DOC area lies within the province of Venice, but also includes some parts of the provinces of Treviso and Pordenone. The Lison-Pramaggiore DOC is well-known for the high quality of its white wines. The clayey-calcareous soil provides noteworthy substance to the wines produced here. The vast range of white wines is known for being particularly fragrant and pleasingly fresh-tasting. The red wines have rare structure which lends them a pleasantly smooth and warm sensation.
The designation “Lison-Pramaggiore” is reserved for wines made from grapes coming from vineyards at least 90% comprised of the corresponding vine variety: Lison and Lison Classico, Pinot Bianco, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Riesling Italico, Sauvignon, Verduzzo, Merlot, Cabernet, Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso.
The “Lison-Pramaggiore” controlled designation of origin is reserved for wines which meet the requisites set as production standards which were issued by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests on December 22, 2010 and published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana on January 7, 2011, for the following types of wine: Bianco/White, Rosso/Red, Rosso Riserva, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Verduzzo, Verduzzo Passito, Merlot, Merlot Riserva, Malbech, Cabernet, Carmenère, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso Riserva, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso Passito and Spumante.
The “Lison Pramaggiore” controlled designation of origin is reserved for wines of the following varieties: Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon, Verduzzo (from Verduzzo Friulano and/or Verduzzo Trevigiano), Merlot, Malbech, Cabernet (from Cabernet Franc and/or Cabernet Sauvignon and/or Carmenère), Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carmenère and Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, grown in vineyards at least 85% comprised of the corresponding varieties.
Grapes of other varieties may also be used, either alone or with others, as long as the grape is of similar color, is not aromatic and is suitable for cultivation in the respective provinces of Venice, Treviso and Pordenone.
The new “Venezia” DOC includes the entire area of the provinces of Treviso and Venice.
The new “Venezia” DOC is reserved for wines which meet the requisites set as production standards which were issued by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests on December 22, 2010 and published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana on January 7, 2011, for the following varieties of wine: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Rosso/Red (at least 50% Merlot); Bianco/White (at least 50% Verduzzo and Glera; in spumante and sparkling version only) and Rosato/Rosé (at least 70% Rabosa Veronese; including in spumante and sparkling version).
The area involved is the same as the Piave DOC, which extends from the northeastern border between the province of Treviso and the Friuli region to the mouth of the Piave River at Cortellazzo, and from the hills of Conegliano and Montello to the outskirts of the city of Venice.
Protagonist is a wine designated as “Malanotte del Piave”, or “Piave Malanotte”, an especially fine wine deriving from the native Raboso vine.
The “Piave Malanotte” or “Malanotte del Piave” controlled and guaranteed designation of origin is reserved for wines which meet the requisites set as production standards which were issued by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests on December 22, 2010 and published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana on January 7, 2011.
A “Piave Malanotte” or “Malanotte del Piave” controlled and guaranteed designation of origin wine must have been made in a winery from grapes grown in vineyards, and with the following ampelographic composition: at least 70% Raboso Piave and 30% Raboso Veronese.
The Raboso Veronese may be replaced to a maximum of 5% by other varieties of red grapes, together with or separately from those suitable for cultivation in the provinces of Treviso and Venice.
The obligation of including the withering of part of the harvested grapes (30% maximum) is the key difference between Malanotte del Piave DOCG and the traditional Raboso del Piave DOC.
This refers to the wine basically obtained from the Tai varietal in the Lison-Pramaggiore area. It is found in the area around Portogruaro on the border with Veneto and the neighboring Friuli region.
It should be noted that "Tai" is the name resulting from an extended dispute, culminating in the decision of the European Court in May 2005 which stated that Hungary is the only country with the right to utilize the name Tocai.
The grapes grown in the Lison DOCG area result in a wine that is historic to the Veneto region. It is in the oldest, dedicated zone of production that includes the following areas: Lison, Pradipozzo and Summaga in the town of Portogruaro; Belfiore, Blessaglia and Salvarolo in the town of Pramaggiore; Carline and Loncon in the town of Annone Veneto and part of the territory of the towns of Cinto Caomaggiore and San Stino di Livenza.
The “Lison” controlled and guaranteed designation of origin is reserved for wines which meet the requisites set as production standards which were issued by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests on December 22, 2010 and published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana on January 7, 2011, for the following varieties of wine: Lison and Lison Classico.
The “Lison” controlled and guaranteed designation of origin is reserved for wines made from grapes at least 85% comprised of the Tai variety. Grapes of other varieties may also be used, either alone or with others, as long as the grape is of similar color, is not aromatic and is suitable for cultivation in the respective provinces of Venice, Treviso and Pordenone.