Serves 4: 3 small and very fresh zucchini, 2 small cucumbers, 4 small, firm and not completely ripe tomatoes, half an avocado, 2 tomini cheeses with red pepper, 50 g very fresh ricotta, Moletto Integrale extra-virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, basil.
To prepare: Finely dice the zucchini, tomato and cucumber and place in separate dishes. With a fork, blend the ricotta and tomini. Just before serving, in a bowl, dress equal amounts of the vegetables with salt and extra-virgin olive oil. Arrange on plates and add a few cubes of avocado to each plate. Finish the plates with two cheese quenelles each and garnish with a basil leaf, drizzled extra-virgin olive oil and pepper.
Recommended wines:
Moletto Rosa Frizzante Igt Veneto Orientale
Prosecco Doc Frizzante