Demanding, trained wine lovers got together on Friday, June 9 at the Hotel Parco dei Principi in Rome, home of the Associazione Italiana Sommelier. Its hallowed halls were the setting for the “Assaggiamo Moletto” tasting, an event that featured six Moletto wines presented by sommelier Paolo Lauciani, assisted by Giovanni Stival, the winery oenologist and accompanied by Chiara Stival, director of public relations for the winery. The wines tasted were its Sauvignon 2005, Lison Pramaggiore Tocai 2005, Franconia 2003, Piave Raboso 2000, Cabernet Sauvignon Selecti 2000 and Colmello Rosso 2000. An enthusiastic reception from the public which just two evenings earlier had sampled all Moletto spumanti at the presentation organized at the Hole in Wine Bar and Restaurant in via Rampa Mignanelli.